Speaking & Consulting

“Yesterday’s workshop was an eye opening experience. The little changes make a big difference, just like you said!”

6th Grade Teacher, New Jersey


Keynotes & workshops

The authors of Powerful Teaching offer a variety of keynotes and workshops around the world, for K–12 schools and higher education. Each workshop is customized, interactive, and memorable. Power Tools are modeled and practiced throughout the presentation, accompanied by research and honest discussion about classroom challenges. Events range from 15–400 attendees, from one hour to a three-day workshop, and from international visits to virtual webinars.

consulting & Coaching

As experts in both research and teaching, Pooja K. Agarwal, Ph.D. and Patrice M. Bain, Ed.S. provide short-term and long-term consulting services – including instructional design review for schools and districts, research design for colleges and universities, and one-on-one coaching for students and parents.

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“Thank you for coming to speak to us! I appreciated the many small, easy tweaks to teaching that are evidence-based and will boost learning for our students.”

Professor / Wellesley College